Sakamoto desu ga?

Haven’t you Heard? I’m Sakamoto


The other day I finished watching Haven’t you Heard? I’m Sakamoto which came out this year in 2016. I don’t try to keep up with what anime is out in the current season really and since I struggle to endure the painful week to weekness of the one episode at a time kinda deal, I tend to wait until it’s all out and then gouge myself lol. This anime I could cope with going week to week because it is episodic and isn’t the type to leave me on a cliffhanger or any such thing. Besides I think if I tried to binge watch this one I would have gotten bored part way through. It’s only a short 12 episode anime but personally I feel that if it had gone on any longer it would have really outstayed its welcome.

In small doses this anime was quirky and fun. I enjoyed its randomness and bizarre moments, its impossible scenarios or really weird WTF situations. It was an enjoyable 20min a week where I could zone out and have a giggle.

Most of the episodes are broken up into 2-3 short stories and revolve around Sakamoto and the friends in his class throughout their first year of highschool. Sakamoto is really eccentric but it seems like he’s barely aware of this trait which makes things all the more amusing. During the first episode it becomes very clear that Sakamoto is very popular with the girls who all think he’s that perfect blend of cool, handsome, and smart. He seems to be able to find his way out of situations in the most bizarre of ways. The boys hate him because he’s popular and set about trying to find ways to humiliate him to bring him down a peg or two. Sakamoto always ends up coming out looking even cooler though, and in the most effortless way possible. He doesn’t seem to realize he’s popular but at the same time dodges all the girls as needed, he will stand up for the weak and bullied people, and generally just achieves impossible feats while looking absolutely cool and flawless haha. The scariest thing in this anime is Sakamoto’s friend’s mum who is in love/stalking him. I have no idea what she plans to do if she catches him though but my imagination was going to a very bad place, it was actually a really creepy episode.

Amusement is very much the reason I kept watching this show, it offers no more than that. So if you need more than that to keep you watching an anime this one may not hold your attention long. I think you will pretty much know if you are going to like this anime after the first episode or two.



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